Monday, March 16, 2009

Passion, purpose and pleasure

Interestingly enough, in Matthew 22:37-39, Jesus responded to the question of what is the greatest commandment with the Duet. 6:5, love God with your entire being, and then added loving your neighbor.

Christ gave a command that we are to love God, and love Him passionately, purposefully, and all throughout the Bible, we are to love God with joy or pleasure.

My question to you this week is this: are you giving everything that you have to everything that you do? When is the last time you gave your entire being to what you were doing?

My challenge to you this week is this: live in the now (not some time when you will truly be able to give everything), and give your all to all that you are doing, now, for the sake of God through Jesus Christ.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Dialogue 3 - Genesis 1

Read Genesis 1 this week.

Answer the questions as you read:

1. Why did God create the world and humans?

2. What is different about the creation of humans and everything prior?

3. For what purpose did God make man and woman?

Dialogue 2 - Do you seek purpose?

Are there events that trigger this deep yearning for purpose?

Do times of transition challenge your meaning and purpose?

Do you want answers to the questions of purpose and meaning?

Dialogue 1 - What is your purpose in life?

My purpose in life is to give God His full weight, and spread his fame. It is also to have a whole lot of fun in Him.My purpose is to:

1. Be an elder at Redeemer Church.

2. Share Christ to a lost and dying world.

3. Be a husband.

4. Be a father.

5. Work as a Chief Technologist at Virtual Hold Technology.

6. Study for my M.Div degree at Reformed Theological Seminary.

7. Have loads of fun. :)

8. Do all of this with all my might.

9. Other things that I am not sure of now.

So, what's yours?

The Call to dignity

Finding and fulfilling the central purpose of mylife (taken from the subtitle of Os Guinness' book, The Call) and finding out what God has made it possible for me to be (taken from the subtitle of Richard Pratt's book, Designed for Dignity) is something that we all desire and something that we all want.

Finding happiness and joy in all of life is something that we all desire as well.

This is what I will attempt to discuss in this blog as time goes on.